Start a project

Fill in a request by clicking on Start a Project. After receiving your request, we will contact you to discuss your project.

Opening an order

After discussion, you will receive a price offer for the relevant services (external users) or we will guide you to open an Internal Services order (Weizmann users).
Once you have placed an order and are ready for submission of your samples, please follow the next steps:

Complete a sample submission Excel form

  1. Download the relevant sample submission Excel form:
  2. Fill in the details in the submission Excel form. Note, some fields are mandatory (marked in *). 

Test your submission form

  1. Test your Submission form here to ensure it passes validation.
  2. If needed, correct any mistakes and re-test.

Email the form to the Genomics unit

  1. Email the validated submission Excel form to Include any additional documents (Tapestation/Bioanalyzer, plate map, etc.). You will receive an automated email that your forms have been accepted.
  2. The Genomics team will go over your files and contact you to coordinate sample drop-off.

Instructions for sample delivery

  • Check concentration and quality of samples using Qubit and/or Nanodrop.
  • Check fragments length using Bioanalyzer or Tapestation. Do not use Bioanalyzer and Tapestation for concentration measurement.
  • For detailed requirements about each type of sample – see Sample requirements for library preparation.
  • Samples may be submitted in tubes or plates (plates are recommended if submitting a large number of samples):
    • Tubes - Use only 1.7 ml Eppendorf tubes. Write the name of the sample clearly on the side of the tube. Ensure that the name on the tube is identical to the name in the submission Excel sheet.
    • Plates - Should be used when submitting more than 16 samples. Please use a v-shaped 96-well plate (PCR plate). The plate should be sealed with a cover resistant to -80C and kept on dry ice. If needed, we can provide you with a suitable plate and sealer. Please fill the plate with your samples in columns. Load the samples in the plate from column 1 A to H until column 12 A to H (no spaces). Label the plate with your name and date.

For any question, contact our Genomics unit 08-9345168
Good luck!